Do you have all the pieces to run FAST? Canberra Sprint Coach, February 24, 2024February 24, 2024 Learning to run FAST is more than high intensity interval training and a great strength workout in the gym. Members of FAST Running joined forces through the guidance of Canberra Sprint Coach, Steve Dodt, to explore each element of the puzzle in a speed workshop at FAST Running HQ in Belconnen on the weekend. Each member was given a piece of the puzzle, where they explained in turn what their element meant to themselves, and collaborated with the other FAST Sprinters to put all the pieces back together on the board. The interactive session is another innovative approach to training adopted by FAST Running. Athletes are given a team task, yet are given the opportunity as individuals to demonstrate prior learning, and take the opportunity to collaborate as a group, broadening their understanding of each element along the way. If you are interested in learning more about running FASTER, please contact us. Community FAST for Sport FAST Track News Athletics CoachCanberraRunning TrainingSocial ClubSprinting
FAST Track 2016 Australian Little Athletics Championships April 24, 2016November 1, 2023 The Australian Little Athletics Championships were held in Adelaide on 24 April 2016. FAST was represented by 4 athletes. Chelsea, Jeremy and Nick all placing in the top 8 of Australia. Jermey won a silver medal in the 100m. Read More
FAST Kids FAST Tweens August 23, 2023August 23, 2024 FAST Running caters for many people of all ages, shapes and sizes. The FAST Kids program is designed specifically for children Under 12 years of age. There are weekly training sessions held right across Canberra under the supervision of FAST’s enthusiastic and encouraging running coaches including Canberra Sprint Coach, Steve… Read More
FAST Track I still play with blocks! January 4, 2024January 7, 2025 FAST Running’s iconic saying, I still play with blocks, got real over Christmas with the delivery of some new toys to FAST Recovery Centre. Training sessions provide focus on power, core, mobility, recovery, and strength exercises. The continued investment in equipment for training enables FAST Athletes to prepare in the… Read More